Monday, 13 June 2011

First World Problem

Grant and I went on our first public transportation day-adventure in downtown Toronto on Saturday. There were 2 highlights from this trip:

1) World Naked Bike Ride Day was on.

Nothing like sitting in Fresh having a Dragon Bowl for lunch and looking up to see this. Bon appetit! 

2) Herman Miller chair guy.

We walked into one of the fancy-pants design furniture stores on King b/c they were having a sale on chairs that I love. We went to the back and started sampling the office chairs. There was another guy there about 30 minutes ahead of us doing the exact same thing - except he was actually considering a purchase (we were just dreaming).  He gave us the low-down on every chair, and had it narrowed down to 2 or 3.  Big choice though - do you spend $2500 on the absolutely awesome chair, or $2000 on the very comfortable chair, or $1500 on the good enough chair, but not as good as the other 2 (I mean, come on, you've come this far....what's another $1000 for  perfection?). The intensity!! The pressure of such a big decision!! Heaven forbid you make the WRONG decision and drop $2000 on a chair and get home and realize you'd make the wrong choice!! WHAT TO DO??

Then he muttered the BEST thing I've heard in a long time... "First-World problem, First-World problem."  What a clarifying moment. Yes, deciding which ridiculously expensive chair to buy was indeed a First-World problem. 

So, this is my new thing. When the pressure to buy expensive house stuff is on, don't let it get to you - just breath and think, "First-World problem".  That should give it some perspective.

1 comment:

  1. There should have been more of a warning attached to the photo link. Still recovering. Lunch isn't sitting well.

    Ah, Herman Miller. Dreaming indeed. Check out the Swopper. It's a DEAL at only $800 :)

    Typing this comment, still on my $50 garage sale special chair...
